Markus Veith is co-founder and managing director of bettercoach, a platform that enables organizations to offer personalized leadership development to their employees at scale. Founded in 2017, together with his co-founders Matthias and Rouven, the ambition was to help individuals, teams and organizations to grow and thereby establish sustainable working and performance cultures. Since then, bettercoach has sticked to this purpose and the platform developed to a one-stop-shop solution for leadership development where employees can start their personalized growth journeys and request coachings, workshops and specific development programs.
Markus has already gained entrepreneurial experience before bettercoach as a Co-Founder and is convinced that due to accelerated changes in the workplace it is more important than ever to offer personalized leadership development to the employees. Studies show that employees feel increasingly disengaged, and offers for personal development show to be effective in rising engagement and fulfillment again. Amongst others, bettercoach is already turning this proposition into reality with clients such as Deutsche Telekom, Merck and SAP.
In this session, bettercoach unveils its groundbreaking approach to people development, presenting Merck as a compelling success story. Faced with complex, high-volume development needs across multiple levels and regions, Merck turned to bettercoach for a tailored solution to streamline, scale, and digitize people development opportunities for its employees worldwide. Join us to gain insight into how bettercoach has supported Merck in optimizing its HRD activities and discover our future approach to ensuring a holistic growth strategy for Merck’s employees.
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